Sent to the Boston Globe January 29, 2025: Dear Editor: Reading the article "For Palestinians returning north, elation and despair" (Wednesday, January 29, 2025), I can't help but think of an important lesson it contains. When you choose a government made up of barbaric genocidal terrorist thugs and that government turns most of the homes, schools, hospitals, mosques and UNRWA facilities into armories, including tens of thousands of rockets, builds an extensive network of subterranean terror tunnels underneath civilian structures and with entrances into many of them, turns the civilians into human shields, repeatedly launches rockets and other terror attacks against a peaceful, democratic, sovereign neighbor and then launches a barbaric attack, beheading babies and burning them in ovens, gang raping innocent young women before murdering them and then bringing their dead, half-naked bodies back as hostages and parading them before cheering crowds, that sovereign neighbor t...