Reporting on the wrong story in the wrong way

 May 14 marked the seventy-sixth anniversary of one of the most inspiring events in human history. An ancient people mostly dispersed from their homeland nearly 2,000 years before by foreign invaders reestablished their sovereignty and withstood an invasion by five foreign armies. Today, those same people are still valiantly facing enemies bent on the destruction of their sovereign state.

Yet rather than producing a program about that modern day miracle, WBUR chose to produce the Here & Now episode "Millions of Palestinians across the world commemorate 'Al Nakba,'" an interview pandering to a descendant of those who tried to prevent that miracle and not just air his lies and distortions but reinforce them.

Nowhere did the interviewer correct Beshara Doumani lies and distortions and point out, for example, the Jewish people are the indigenous people of the land the Roman conquerors renamed Syria Palaestina (living there for thousands of years before the first Arabs started arriving), were the victims of numerous massacres perpetuated by their Arab neighbors (who in 1948 had not yet adopted the identity of "Palestinian") and have repeatedly agreed to proposals and even made several themselves that would have given the people who now call themselves Palestinians sovereignty in a portion of Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel.

Deepa Fernandes didn't even bother to mention the original use of the term "Nakba" in the context creation of modern Israel: the failure of the invading Arab armies to destroy Israel and drive its Jewish residents "into the sea."

I have observed that WBUR has serious financial problems. May I suggest that rather than competing with WGBH for the unfortunately significant number of pro-terror, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, antisemitic listeners in the Boston area, WBUR switch gears and actually trying to report accurately and objectively and produce programs which will appeal to the hopefully larger number of listeners and potential donors desiring accurate information rather than propaganda.

Sent to WBUR on June 7, 2024


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