Raz Segal gets the meaning of the ICJ's preliminary ruling backwards

This letter was also about the ICJ's perverse refusal to throw out the absurd case against Israel brought by South Africa. It was sent to the Los Angeles Times on January 28, 2024.

 Letter to the editor: Raz Segal gets the meaning of the ICJ's preliminary ruling backwards

To the editor:

Ignoring her reference to the self-imposed and self-perpetuated disaster the people who decades later adopted the identity of "Palestinian" eventually started calling a Nakba, Raz Segal completely misinterprets the significance of the perverse ruling by the "International Court of Justice."

The ICJ is a political body rather than a true court, with the "justices" political appointees beholden to their own governments, most of which are either innately implacably hostile to Israel or intimidated by the huge Arab/Muslim bloc. Ergo, there was no chance the ICJ would do the right thing and dismiss the baseless and malicious South African case out of hand while reprimanding South Africa for wasting its time.

Prevented from directly doing the right thing, the ICJ acted with what these days passes for courage: it protected its members by publicly pretending there might be merit to the baseless case and then gave a series of orders effectively demanding Israel continue to do what it's been doing, since it has been going well beyond the requirements of international law to minimize civilian casualties.

Israel can now continue to defend itself from a bevy of barbaric terror organizations who themselves have proclaimed their intent to perpetuate a genocide not only on the inhabitants of the world's only Jewish state but on Jews throughout the world, as evidenced in the following taken verbatim from the Hamas charter: "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews."

I suggest Israel also bring a legitimate case to the ICJ, charging South Africa with incitement to genocide by dint of bringing its case to the ICJ. While it's at it, Israel should also include Iran and Qatar, the prime sponsors and financiers of the genocidal Hamas terror group.


Alan Stein


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