We know what Palestinians want

Sent to the Boston Globe February 14:

To the editor:

According to Hiba Husseini, all Palestinian Arabs want is an end to the Israeli "occupation" and their own "independent state."

He fails to mention that the so-called "occupation" came about when Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser kicked the UN peacekeeping force out of the Sinai and his Voice of the Arabs radio station declared "The sole method we shall apply against Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence," and then Jordan joined the war, attacking Israel. At that time, the PLO was clear it had no interest in the areas, then occupied by Egypt and Jordan, which Husseini now claims are all the Palestinian Arabs want; its sole aim was the same as Nasser's, to destroy Israel.

Despite Husseini's obfuscation, that hasn't changed, as evidenced by the way the Palestinian Arabs rejected Israel's offers of independence in 2000, 2001 and 2008, not to mention their reported rejection of John Kerry's 2014 proposal, accepted by Israel. Their barbaric October 7 massacre was launched from Gaza, an area which has been under their total control since 2005.

Their goal today remains the same as it was then, as still enshrined in the charters not just of Hamas but also Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Organization: the destruction of the only democracy in the Middle East, which not coincidentally is also the world's only Jewish state.


Alan Stein 


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