It should be about doing what's right, not about politics

To the editor:

In the April 4 article "Keeping heat on Biden over Gaza," Senator Elizabeth Warren is quoted as saying "This is not about politics. This is about doing what's right." Unfortunately, she has things backwards. That's how it should be, but lately it's been all about politics and not about doing what's right.

President Biden has to stop trying to get the votes of the pathological Israel-haters. He needs to stop looking for excuses to criticize Israel. He needs to help put an end to the tragedy in Gaza by standing solidly with Israel as it works to effectively eliminate Hamas and the other terror groups which have been busy strengthening themselves, repressing the people and continually attacking Israelis ever since Israel completely left Gaza in 2005.

Instead of relentlessly criticizing Israel, he should be recognizing our democratic friend has done more than any other country in history to minimize civilian casualties and its efforts have been extremely successful, as measured by the historically low proportion of casualties among non-combatants.

His pandering to the Hamas lobby is not just morally indefensible, but tremendously damaging to American interests and the safety of all Americans, not just the Americans who have been suffering in Gaza since being kidnapped and taken hostage by Hamas half a year ago.


Alan Stein

Submitted to the Boston Globe April 4, 2024.


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