War is more offensive than protesters

Dear Newsweek:

Angela McArdle is correct that "War is more offensive than protesters" (April 18, 2024), but is wrong about just about everything else she writes. As is typical of apologists for Palestinian Arabs, she repeatedly falsely accuses Israel of doing what the Palestinian Arabs are attempting,  including genocide, which is explicitly called for in the Hamas charter.

I might also point out that Israel's "violent origin story" began millennia before the United States came on the scene. She might try attending a Passover seder this week and learning Israel's origin story.

She closes with another rare accurate observation: "The fog of war tends to obscure everything around an issue, including the history of these conflicts." I suspect the fog of war has nothing to do with her profound lack of understanding of the conflict the Arabs in the Land of Israel started long before they adopted the identity of Palestinian.


Alan Stein


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