Why is Elizabeth Warren demonizing Israel?

Dear Editor:

Lawyer. College professor. United States Senator. Elizabeth Warren is obviously highly intelligent and well briefed. She thus must know her statement that the International Court of Justice has "ample evidence" to find Israel is guilty of genocide is not just totally disconnected from reality, but a gift to a terrorist group - Hamas - that actually calls for genocide, as well as Iran, Russia and all of America's worst enemies.

She compounded her offense by saying, for her, "it is far more important to say what Israel is doing is wrong, and it is wrong."

She's obsessed with demonizing Israel, a democratic friend and ally fighting an existential struggle against a terrorist enemy whose very charter calls for what she falsely says Israel is guilty of. Being so intelligent and well briefed, surely she knows that Israel, while fighting for its survival against the epitome of evil, has done more to avoid harming innocent civilians than any other army has done in history.

Which leaves an obvious question only Elizabeth Warren can answer: Why?


Alan Stein

Sent to the Boston Herald April 11, 2024


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