Hamas disarming? Get real.

Dear Editor:

One can only laugh at the report that Khalil al-Hayya, referred to as a top official of the barbaric Hamas terror group, said Hamas would disarm "if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders." That would be about as likely as it bringing back to life the babies it decapitated and incinerated on October 7.

And don't the Palestinian Arabs claim there already exists an independent Palestinian state? Mahmoud Abbas calls himself the president of the "State of Palestine" and is recognized as such by most of the members of the United Nations, as well as the UN General Assembly.

Would Hamas disarming even make a difference? Would Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Fatah or any of the dozens of other Palestinian terror groups also disarm? Would Hezbollah send its 150,000 rockets back to Iran? Would the Houthis stop launching missiles at Israel? Would the Iranian mullahs stop leading chants of "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" at every opportunity?

We need to stop getting fooled by Hamas and by Iran. We need to help Israel effectively destroy Hamas. We need to get the UN to finally enforce Security Council Resolution 1701 and get Hezbollah and those 150,000 rockets out of Lebanon. And we need to deal with the head of the snake, the fanatical regime in Iran.

Indeed, not only do we need to do all that; the entire free worlds needs us to do all that.


Alan Stein

Sent April 26 to the New London Day


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