Pro-Palestinian and ignorant, or simply antisemitic?

Dear Editor:

On October 7 an avowedly genocidal Palestinian Arab terror group perpetrated the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust, committing atrocities that would have made most Nazis blush. America's foremost expert on urban warfare has determined that, during the war started with that barbaric attack, Israel has done more to prevent civilian casualties than any other army in history. This is corroborated by the fact that while the United Nations recognizes the ratio of non-combatant to combatant deaths in modern warfare to be nearly 9 to 1, the ratio in Gaza was calculated to be no more than 1.2 to 1 even before Hamas admitted it didn't have firm documentation for a third of the deaths it was claiming.

Yet the article "Hundreds attend pro-Palestinian protest at Yale" (April 21) quotes protesters calling on Yale to divest from "companies complicit in the ongoing genocide against Palestinians."

This leads to the obvious question: Are those protesters, predominantly Yale students, honestly pro-Palestinian but incredibly ignorant, or are they simply fanatically antisemitic?


Alan Stein

Submitted to the Hearst papers in Connecticut on April 21, 2024.

It was sent along with the following note documenting the 9 to 1 non-combatant to combatant casualty ratio:

[Note: The fact that the UN recognizes a nearly 9 to 1 non-combatant to combatant casualty ratio comes from the United Nations Press Office press release about the Security Council's May 22, 2022 meeting. The title of its release is "Ninety Per Cent of War-Time Casualties Are Civilians, Speakers Stress, Pressing Security Council to Fulfill Responsibility, Protect Innocent People in Conflicts" and it is available at]


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