The insanity at the United Nations

To the editor:

The mass insanity that now pervades the United Nations was on display once again on Friday, when by an overwhelming 143-9 vote, with 25 abstentions, the General Assembly "adopted a resolution declaring that Palestinians qualify for full-member status."

According to the UN Charter, "Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states," where the word "other" refers to non-founding states.

The Palestinian Authority is obviously neither peace-loving nor a state.

Even Mahmoud Abbas, the lifelong terrorist whom the UN calls the "President of the State of Palestine," implicitly recognizes he is not the president of a state each time he describes what a future Palestinian state will look like.

How far the United Nations has fallen from its founding ideals!


Alan Stein

Submitted to the Boston Globe May 11, 2024 ... and this was more than a week before the United Nations Security Council stood for a minute of silence to honor the memory of Ebrahim Raisi, the Butcher of Baghdad!


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