Did Annie Karni actually listen to Netanyahu's speech?

Dear Editor:

Reading the Thursday article by Annie Karni, "In fiery speech, Netanyahu blasts critics," I can't help but wonder whether she actually listened to his speech. In my 77 years, I've heard many a fiery speech; Netanyahu's was not one of them, although it was by far the most pro-American speech I've ever heard delivered by a foreign leader.

Netanyahu gave a sober analysis not only of the war Hamas started with its barbaric October 7 massacre, but of its context of the global struggle between good and evil, civilization and barbarism. He demonstrated a strategic understanding of world affairs sadly lacking by our own leaders, whose misconceptions and missteps helped lead to the debacle in Afghanistan, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the ability of the Houthis to effectively close the vital shipping corridor in the Red Sea, the takeover of Lebanon by the Hezbollah terrorists and, arguably most dangerous of all, the "Death to America" shouting ayatollahs bringing Iran to the brink of obtaining a nuclear weapons arsenal.

While Netanyahu may have served longer as Israeli prime minister than any leader should, he has also developed an unsurpassed understanding of world affairs. We would benefit greatly and we would have a safer, more peaceful world if our leaders, and the leaders of other Western democracies, would listen to his words of wisdom.


Alan Stein

Sent to the Boston Globe on July 26, 2024. A version was published on August 1, 2024 with the headline "World’s democratic leaders should heed Netanyahu’s words of wisdom."


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