Netanyahu gave a master class in international diplomacy

Dear Editor:

It's disappointing that Rosa DeLauro was among those who irresponsibly boycotted the important speech, delivered to a joint session of Congress, by the prime minister of a close American friend and ally fighting a seven-front war started by a terror proxy of Iran with a barbaric massacre on October 7.

Besides providing encouragement to America's worst enemies, those boycotters missed a master class in international diplomacy. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared his deep understanding of the nature of the global battle between good and evil, between civilization and barbarism. Had our own American diplomats possessed his understanding, we might have avoided the disasters of Afghanistan and the de facto takeover of Lebanon by Iran's Hezbollah terror proxy. We might not have had a Russian invasion of Ukraine, the important shipping corridor in the Red Sea might not have been effectively closed by Iran's Houthi proxy and Taiwan might not be under such a serious threat of invasion. And Ayatollah Khameinei likely would not be on the verge of getting his claws on a nuclear weapons arsenal.

We are paying a heavy price - indeed, we have already paid a deadly price - for the hyper-partisanship pervading our country and practiced by our government servants. It needs to stop before the damage is irreparable.


Alan Stein

Natick, Massachusetts

The writer is a former long-time resident of Connecticut

Submitted to the Hearst newspapers in Connecticut on July 26, 2024.


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