Bernie surprises - he has a sense of humor

Sent to the Washington Post November 19, 2024:

Dear Editor:

I never thought Bernie Sanders had a sense of humor, but he proved me wrong when, in his misguided op-ed "No more arms sales to Netanyahu," he tried to bolster his false claim that Israel "violates internationally recognized human rights" by citing baseless claims made by the systemically antisemitic, perversely anti-Israel United Nations.

Incidentally, the United States isn't selling arms to Netanyahu; it is selling arms to Israel, our democratic ally engaged in an existential struggle on seven fronts against terror proxies of Iran, which itself attacked Israel with the most massive barrage of missiles and drones in history. Israel is also the front line state in the West's war for good versus unadulterated evil.

Bernie's attempt to deny Israel the means to defend both itself and the free world against that evil puts him on the side of America's enemies and gives new meaning to the expression "feeling the Bern."


Alan Stein


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