Beware of irrational exuberance

Sent to the Boston Globe November 28, 2024:

Dear Editor:

Any exuberance over the ceasefire deal arranged between the Hezbollah terrorists and Israel would be irrational.

Hezbollah violated the ceasefire within minutes of its taking effect and has continued to violate it many times in just the first day. One certainly cannot expect the Lebanese army, which is effectively controlled by Hezbollah, to enforce the ceasefire conditions; the same goes for UNIFIL, which has been an abject failure since it was supposedly strengthened 18 years ago and has done nothing as, time after time, Hezbollah attacked Israel from positions within a football field's length of UNIFIL forces.

Nor can we expect either to destroy the Hezbollah's tunnels and rockets in southern Lebanon which have not yet been destroyed by Israel, not to mention enforce compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 1559, which mandates the disarming of all militias in Lebanon. Until that is done and the power Iran has over Lebanon through its Hezbollah proxy is removed, Lebanon will remain a failed state and peace will be more of a hallucination than a realistic dream.


Alan Stein


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