Danziger Cartoon Inverts Reality

Sent to Rutland Herald (letters@rutlandherald.com) and Palm Beach Post (letters@pbpost.com) January 27, 2025.

Dear Editor:

The recent Danziger cartoon, distortingly captioned "Some Israeli Hostages Are Home After Over a Year of Merciless War," blatantly and irresponsibly inverts reality both with its caption and the text "Over 40 thousand Palestinians killed ...."

The caption should read "A tiny number of innocent Israeli Hostages Are Home, along with hundreds of Palestinian Arab terrorists, After Over a Year of Merciless War started by Hamas with its barbaric pogrom on October 7, 2024."

The text should read "The Hamas terrorists claim over 40 thousand Palestinians killed, but fail to mention roughly half of them were terrorists, making the proportion of civilian casualties in Gaza historically low thanks to the unprecedented steps taken by the Israeli military, arguably the most moral in the world."


Alan Stein


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