Distressed by what Bernie Sanders' op-ed reveals

To the editor:

I am distressed by what was revealed by Bernie Sanders' op-ed, "No more US complicity with Netanyahu's war machine in Gaza."

It revealed that a long-time United States Senator could be incredibly ignorant.

Putting aside the fact that Israel currently has but one brigade in Gaza, which hardly comprises a "war machine," it's not Netanyahu's war and it's not against the Palestinian Arab people. The Israeli army has been doing what a united Israeli public demands, knowing that not succeeding in what President Biden himself acknowledged must be done - destroying Hamas - would be a disaster for Israel.

An not just for Israel. If Israel doesn't succeed in destroying Hamas, it will be a disaster for America and for the entire democratic world, a disaster which might be impossible to overcome.

Israel is fighting a just and necessary war against evil and, contrary to the misinformation spread by Sanders, it is fighting it in a highly moral manner. Israel merits gratitude and praise, not criticism which only brings smiles to Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Iranian ayatollahs, Vladimir Putin and every other enemy of America and our friends and allies.


Alan Stein

Sent to the Boston Globe April 12, 2024


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